
  • Total activity 196
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Recent activity by John Recent activity Votes
  • Handylearn Key

    App id - app_61f1133d025bb600ebf95e81         Secret is HStyLNmnpJsZRNz00HiqhMgTJJuBeYdppLG4UEXzq4treoix0NHUjrmlfg7RuNARN8ePn6pUHZDUAAORY8Jblg    

  • How can I setup Email Sync

    Setting up your Email Sync Go to Personal Preferences > Email sync. Click the Add new account button. You will be directed to a new webpage and prompted to provide the login credentials of the acc...

  • Cape Town Mall

    Address: 123 Sunshine Street  

  • Comprehensive cover benefits

    These are the value-added benefits AUTOMATICALLY included in our comprehensive cover. Roadside Assist Whether you’re stuck with a flat tyre or you’ve run out of fuel, we off...

  • Where to find us

    Our centers are at the following locations:   Nairobi JKIA Branch    

  • What areas do you serve?

    We serve most of Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban, Pretoria, Bloemfontein and more. Please download the app and set your location in order to see whether we cover your area. View a full list of are...

  • Connecting your laptop to the Internet

    If you cannot access the internet with your laptop, please follow these steps: Open the Settings app clicking on the following icon: In the Settings app, select Network: If WiFi is Off, click on ...

  • Server XYZ Down

    IT is aware and working on it.

  • What documents do I need to register?

    Handybanque wants to make sure you have a seamless and easy journey using our App and that’s why we have created this documentation checklist for you. Here are the documents you will need to uplo...

  • How to self register?

    How to self register with our services: